"Divination from inspection of the local geographic situation...." 80 p. 109
The branch of mathematics dealing with regular physical forms such as points,line,triangles,squares,etc. Steiner said this subject reveals spiritual truths and leads toward the development of clairvoyance.
A philosophical movement that opposed the rational skepticism of Enlightenment philosophy; it harkened back to a more metaphysical vision.
Steiner was a German nationalist. He created Waldorf education to help Germans fulfill their national "mission." He deemed Germany to stand at the pinnacle of human civilization and spiritual development,albeit not without imperfections that he offered to cure.
"General Extrasensory Perception." 80 p. 109 [Parapsychologists sometimes use this term as a catch-all label for apparent instances of psychic cognition that cannot be distinctly identified as ESP,telepathy,clairvoyance,etc.]
"Black magic in which assistance by evil spirits is said to be invoked." 73 p. 87
"Apparition or supernormal appearance of a deceased person...." 73 p. 88 [According to Steiner,ghosts are beings detached from the spirit realm due to evil experiences or evil actions of human souls.]
"[A]n evil demon who robs graves and gorges himself on corpses." 80 p. 110
Mythical beings of great stature and power; in some traditions,the rivals of the gods. Steiner said they really exist.
Theosophical term sometimes used by Steiner. In general: stages of form.