In Anthroposophy,generally: active thought,directed by the will and/or "I"; as opposed to passive receptivity.
In some religious traditions: a region one enters after death in order to expiate sins before entering the true spirit realm. In Theosophy and in Steiner's teachings,it is called Kamaloka and,sometimes,is identified with the soul world (which Steiner said is below the spirit world).
"[I]ndividuals or groups cleanse themselves of sin,or make an effort to propitiate the spirits or the gods...." 80 p. 236
In Anthroposophy: the fifth of seven Regions of Soul,a period of soul evolution attainable only after karma and the physical body have been set aside,a period of preparation for receipt of the soul forces released by the opening of the Apocalyptic seals. Leo will preside.
"(Hinduism) The original eternal man...." 80 p. 237
"In occultism,it represents Cosmic Man descending from heaven...." 80 p. 237
"An occult system of prophecy based on various proportions and measurements of the Great Pyramid." 73 p. 173
"Divination by the observation of fire." 80 p. 237