Gods or spirits involved with various planets,especially those who preside on those planets. Also see "planetary gods".
planetary conditions.
In Anthroposophy: soul types; imprints left on souls by passage through the planetary spheres after death. One's main "type" is produced by the planetary sphere where one stayed longest. See "planetary souls".
Steiner sometimes spoke of the actual planets in the solar system: places in space (Mercury,Venus,etc.). He sometimes said they orbit the Sun; sometimes he denied it. He also spoke of "planetary conditions" that bear planetary names. These are not places in space but periods of time or duration (Old Saturn,Old Sun,etc.) See "classical planets","sacred planets",and "planetary conditions".
People for Legal and Nonsectarian Schools,an organization of volunteers opposing governmental financing or support for Waldorf schools.
In Anthroposophy,drawing from ancient teachings: the kingdom of nature standing between the mineral kingdom and the animal kingdom; the realm of vegetation.
In Anthroposophy: the fifth of seven conditions of life: the condition we will evolve to after completing our current existence in the Mineral Kingdom Condition of Life.
According to Steiner: man as he was "on the Sun" — i.e.,during Old Sun.
Members of the second kingdom of nature,above minerals and below animals. They have both physical and etheric bodies,or so Steiner said.
Ancient Greek philosopher highly regarded in Anthroposophy. Plato taught that physical phenomena are only shadows of their truer,ideal originals that exist in a higher realm. Plato also originated the myth of Atlantis,taken as true in Anthroposophy.