An ancient Hebrew apocryphal work,not part of the BIBLE. Traditionally ascribed to Enoch,the great-grandfather of Noah,it was known to at least some early Christian writers,and is accepted as canonical by a few Christian sects.
"Ancient Egyptian texts 2500 B.C. - A.D. 200 ... They describe the travails of the human soul after death...." 73 p. 32
The study of plants. In Anthroposophical belief,plants have etheric bodies,like animals and humans,but they lack astral bodies and "I's." Plants are deeply influenced by astrological forces,Steiner said.
Named for Anthroposophist Graf von Bothmer,this is a non-athletic form of movement in which the practitioners "experience" the space around them.
"(Hinduism). The Father,Nara (Eternal Masculine); the Mother,Nari (Eternal Feminine); and the Son,Viraj (Creative Word)." 80 p. 34 [The correct term is "Brahmanic" trinity. The reference is to an ancient traditional trinity. The more widely known Hindu trinity consists of the gods Brahma,Vishnu,and Shiva,who represent the forces of creation,preservation,and destruction.]
"Hindu verbal image of the Sacred,the Creator or most High God. Identified also with the Atman...." 73 p. 33
In Hinduism,the ground of being; in Anthroposophy,divine unity.
According to science: the organ of thought and the managing center for the activity of nerves that control the body. According to Steiner,no real thinking occurs in the brain,which only reflects thoughts occurring elsewhere.
Inducing beliefs through a systematic program of conditioning. Arguably,such indoctrination is undertaken in Waldorf schools.