In Anthroposophy: principally,demons and evil gods who war against the good gods.
"[T]he glance of certain individuals has the power to harm or destroy...." 80 p. 94
Spirits standing among the ranks of the gods but who oppose the intentions of the good gods. Cf. "good gods".
According to Steiner: races that embody evil human impulses,in particular materialism (the denial of spirituality). Cf. "good races".
In Anthroposophy: principally,errant humans. Whether any humans are truly evil is a matter of debate. Also see "evil spirits". Cf. "good souls".
"We hear more of these from theology than Spiritualism. As the 'spirits' are human,albeit in a different sphere,it follows that they are no more evil than we ... [A] person predisposed to cruelty and intolerance will attract [similar] spirits...." 73 p. 78 [Competing forms of esotericism disagree about the nature of evil,the nature of evil spirits,and whether evil spirits actually exist. Steiner taught that our evil actions can create evil spirits. If we consider non-human spirits,then — according to Steiner — there are evil spirits both above and below us. Also see "evil".]
"By incantations,spells,and rituals the summoning of a spirit,or demon to aid in arcane activities...." 80 p. 95
"The gradual unfoldment of spiritual understanding on this earth and the succeeding progress in the spirit spheres." 73 p. 79[Steiner taught that human beings and the entire universe — including gods — are evolving from primitive conditions to highly spiritualized conditions; this includes but is not confined to the "unfoldment of spiritual understanding." Anthroposophy describes,and aims to attain,ever-higher stages of spiritual consciousness.]
In Anthroposophy: this is the central,all-important form of evolution. We and the gods above us evolve to higher and higher stages of consciousness. We will rise through the ranks of the gods and eventually attain consciousness superior to that of any other beings.
Highly accurate,consciously controlled clairvoyance; sought by Anthroposophists. Steiner claimed to possess it.