European intellectual movement emphasizing reason and individualism,17th-18th Centuries.
"[T]he inner eye in [Greek] rites of initiation. Also,the gift of clairvoyance." 80 p. 89
a) the soul,b) a guiding principle of development,c) in Anthroposophy,that which contains its own purpose — said,for instance,of the human mind,whose goal is the development of itself.
"A discarnate personality. An individual." 73 p. 73[More generally,an entity is anything having a distinct and individual existence,discarnate or otherwise — usually otherwise.]
"A very widespread form of sympathetic magic practiced on a representation of a person...usually with evil intent." 80 p. 89
"The appearance of a deity in a particular place [such] as God in the burning bush...." 80 p. 89
The festival commemorating Christ's manifestation to the Gentiles; it is celebrated on January 6.
In Anthroposophy: the sixth great epoch,the epoch that will follow our current Post-Atlantean Epoch. The War of All Against All will mark the transition between the fifth and sixth great epochs.
In Anthroposophy: the seventh great epoch. It will follow the Epoch of the Seals. The Epoch of Trumpets will conclude the Physical Stage of Form.
In Anthroposophy: gods two levels above us who preside over 350-year periods of Earth life; also called Time Archangels.