"Spirits [i.e.,the dead] who are still operating close to earth conditions owing to old attachments,habits or ignorance of their state." 80 pp. 82-83
In Anthroposophy: one of six constitutional types. These children (often boys) incarnate fully or too fully on earth,tending to lose their ties to the spirit realm.
Natural disasters often caused by human wickedness; they are sought out by humans to fulfill their karmas,according to Steiner.
"Fertility rites and nature's power of regeneration have made spring the magically potent time of year for mankind. It has been celebrated by every ancient tribe and nation ... The Norse Ostara,the semitic Astarte and Ishtar,and the Hebrew Esther are sources of the name [Easter]." 80 p. 83 [In Christianity,Easter is the celebration of Christ's resurrection; at Waldorf schools,the observance is often termed a "spring festival" and pagan elements are emphasized.]
"The Satan of the Muslims...." 80 p. 83 [The personal name of the Devil is usually spelled "Iblīs". In Islamic teaching,the Devil is equivalent to Satan and is sometimes referred to as "adūw Allāh" (enemy of God).]
"In Greek mythology a monster,half woman and half serpent...." 80 p. 83
"[E]motional rapture...common to mystics and saints,during which a sort of trance prevails." 80 p. 83
In astronomy and astrology: the great circle in the sky described by the Sun's apparent movement during the year.
The European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education,the coordinating and certifying authority for Waldorf schools in Europe.
"A subtle living matter present in the physical body,primarily invisible ... It is extruded in the dark ... [It] is the substance out of which materialized forms are built by the spirit operators ... The levitation of tables and heavy objects is accomplished [during seances by means of ectoplasm] ... Ectoplasm has been photographed on many occasions...." 73 p. 69 [Some mediums produce,or pretend to produce,ectoplasm during seances; it can be vaporous,liquid,or (soft) solid.]