A gem "[c]onsidered an important aid to healing,and used in divination." 80 p. 88
According to Steiner,emotion leads us to spiritual truths far more reliably than thinking does. Trust your heart more than your head,he advised.
One of seven world outlooks,Steiner said; it accepts "whatever experience may offer."
"To the Cabalists God had created the universe,[and He] was of it,yet not in it ... [T]hey named him En Sof — 'Without End'." 80 p. 88
In Anthroposophy: liberation from the cycle of self-guided karmic incarnations,which will occur with liberation from the physical body. This will be the fourth Region of Soul,following development of true sacrificial will and prior to the attainment of purification. It will occur under the aegis of Virgo.
Visible and invisible opponents,Steiner said. He warned his followers that they are surrounded by enemies,at least some of whom are demonic.
In English-speaking countries,"English" classes are courses in the English language and study of literature written in,or translated into,English. At Waldorf schools,such classes emphasize myths,fables,and spiritualistic/religious tales — although carefully selected secular works may also be included.
Steiner taught that the English people have a particular affinity for the consciousness soul,the soul type that has developed particularly in the Anglo-Germanic Age.
"Term of scientology for a painful mental image...." 80 p. 88
The condition of having received spiritual wisdom,or,alternately,the condition of gaining rationality and empirically verifiable knowledge.