"The Icelandic sagas which relate...the mythology and religious beliefs of the Northern European World [sic]." 80 p. 84 [The Eddas are two 13th-century books that are the chief sources for us of Scandinavian mythology.]
In the Bible: the Garden of Eden,the paradisiacal state in which the first humans lived before sinning and being expelled.
Conveying knowledge. This is a relatively low priority in Waldorf schools,where the primary (but usually concealed) goals are healthful incarnation,assistance with karma,and subtle indoctrination in Anthroposophy.
"A representation of a dead person to serve both as a memorial and a home for his spirit". 80 p. 85
"The self-consciousness of the individual. The soul." 73 p. 71[Steiner said that the ego or "I" is the third of our invisible bodies; it is our share of divinity in the form of individual selfhood. Defined thus,"ego" must be distinguished from the ego discussed in psychology: one's purely subjective sense of identity and importance. Also see "I".]
The spiritual essence of selfhood possessed only by human beings and gods.
This is an alternate term for the ego or "I" — the third and highest of a human being's three invisible bodies.
Consciousness of your individual spiritual selfhood; cf. "ego sense".
Ego consciousness.
The psychological/spiritual structure of the ego.