Associated with (influenced by,controlled by...) Lucifer.
Minions of Lucifer. (In some teachings,Steiner indicated that "Lucifer" is actually a compound noun referring to numerous demonic beings: Moon adepts.)
According to Steiner,Lucifer and his minions rebelled against the good Sun spirits during Old Moon. The most advanced "humans" of the period joined the rebellion,which led to the solidification of matter and existence on the lowly physical plane. Mankind "fell" when it came under Luciferic influence,particularly during the Lemurian Epoch. But the influence of Lucifer also created the possibility for humans to become free,in that they might choose between good and evil
The world or plane of existence dominated by Lucifer.
"Pythagoras' term for the astral body." 80 p. 172[A word of caution: Anthroposophists assign views to various philosophers,saints,authors,etc.,that may be quite alien to those individuals' actual statements. None of Pythagoras' writings survive.]
In Anthroposophy: Angels at their human stage,on the Moon or during Old Moon.
"An ancient and primitive belief that a human being can be transformed into an animal." 73 p. 124