"Common term for that part of the spirit sphere nearest earth. The level of ghosts,apparitions and poltergeist activities." 73 p. 123
In Anthroposophy: the portion of the I that exists on the physical plane during earthly life,giving one a sense of "ego."
In Theosophy: the less elevated portion of the mental plane,from which one can apprehend at a distance the primary precincts of Devachan.
"(Spiritualism) The nearest condition to earth,a transition place through which all must pass at death." 80 p. 277[In Anthroposophy,this is often equated with the Eighth Sphere (q.v.).]
In Anthroposophy: the lower of two levels of Spiritland,the region where archetypes conceived in Higher Spiritland are made specific.
In Anthroposophy: the second stage of form,coming between the Higher Spiritland Stage of Form and the Astral Stage of Form.
Generally,in dualistic religious cosmologies: the physical realm,below the spiritual world(s). The lower world may include a place of perdition,or perdition may occur in a still lower world — hell. In various traditions,existence in the physical realm is itself a form of fall or perdition.
"A collective term for the faculties by means of which supernormal knowledge may be acquired. It includes...clairvoyance,clairaudience,psychometry and premonitions." 73 p. 124
In classical Greek/Roman mythology,a god,bringer of the dawn,or the morning star. In Christian tradition: Satan before his fall. In Anthroposophy: a great demon,a fallen angel; destructive yet offering gifts. He is the lord of false spirituality; he is the rival/companion of Ahriman. (Steiner usually referred to Lucifer as a single being,but sometimes he indicated that Lucifer is compounded of various demonic beings. See" Luciferic beings".)
"In Medieval times,sects of occultists who debased and damaged the Eucharistic wafer in the presence of a figure of Lucifer. They were considered Satanists..." 80 p. 171[In Anthroposophy,Lucifer is distinguished from Satan. Terms such as "Luciferic" are used to denote powers or beings under the sway of Lucifer.]