In Anthroposophy,these are true thoughts implanted before birth; created by cooperation of gods and man; cf. intellect. To find truth,one should access these inbuilt thoughts,not seek to develop new thoughts through use of the brain. Steiner taught.
"In the Voodoo religion,these gods are appeased by the offerings of their worshippers
Seat of the guides of human evolution,Steiner indicated.
In esotericism: meeting places for spiritual guides and initiates.
According to Anthroposophy: the Norse god of blood and pigmentation. Other sources indicate that Lödur is an enigmatic figure rarely mentioned in Norse myths.
Associated with the brain,akin to intellect: rational analysis. From an Anthroposophical perspective,logic is faulty and untrustworthy,although it is useful in understanding the physical plane of existence.
One of seven world outlooks,according to Steiner: logically connecting thoughts to one another.
Three gods comprising the Godhead,according to Steiner. Originally,in ancient Greek mysticism,logoi were multiple components of the divine reason (logos) that organizes the universe.
"The Divine word,as representative of the Deity incarnate. Not consistent with Spiritualistic religion." 73 p. 122[In Steiner's teachings — drawing from gnostic tradition — Logos is generally synonymous with Christ,as the embodied Word of God. Logos,then,may be deemed the second member of the triune God. However,Anthroposophy is polytheistic,and Steiner said that the three members of the Godhead are separate gods,Logoi.]
"The Scandinavian god of evil...." 80 p. 169[In Norse myths — which are emphasized in Waldorf schools — Loki is a prankster who betrays the gods and fights for the giants. Despite this betrayal,he is often depicted as more mischievous than evil. According to Steiner,Loki is Lucifer in disguise.]