According to Steiner: gods five levels above humanity. As such,they stand in the middle rank of the Second Hierarchy. Functioning from within the sphere of Mars,they help focus the effects of higher gods in the forms of evolution.
"Sanscrit [sic] for 'Great Soul.'" 73 p. 126[More generally,in South Asia: an individual regarded with respect and/or reverence. In Theosophy: an individual having supernatural powers.]
"The larger or Northern division of Buddhist doctrine. Its message is addressed more to the laity ... [It includes] belief [in] the incarnation of a Buddha spirit in a series of Buddhist saints...[and] the idea that the human soul passes through a succession of heavens and hells before attaining a final beatitude." 73 p. 126
"A future Messiah of Islam." 80 p. 176
At most Waldorf schools: the long class at the beginning of the day; other classes and activities are often keyed to it.
Successor to Buddha. In Anthroposophy,he is deemed to have been an avatar.
The race formed under the influence of Venus,according to Steiner. He said this race is dying off because Malayans are "useless human beings."
In Anthroposophical belief,female and male are significantly different spiritual conditions. Males have coarser astral bodies that are less receptive to the spiritual ego. Humans may alternate between male and female incarnations.
"A witch who inflicts injury...and who has been tutored in evil by a demon." 80 p. 177
"The Mesopotamian goddess of fate." 80 p. 177