A spiritual organ developed through the influence of Mars,Steiner said; it opens us to the spiritual/evolutionary benefits of the Mars sphere.
a) A Mars "epoch",or b) the period that one spends in the Mars sphere during sleep or after death.
Mongol race.
The portion of the solar system enclosed by the orbit of Mars,Steiner sometimes indicated. Or,more importantly,the portion of the spirit realm coterminous with this portion of the solar system; the realm of gods five levels higher than humanity.
A shorthand designation for Earth evolution,especially the period that includes the historical present.
The festival of St. Martin,November 11.
"Famous in ancient times as one of the most accomplished of sorceresses." 80 p. 180
"In astrology: the Sun,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,and Uranus." 80 p. 180
According to Steiner: the outward-directed,more aggressive and thrusting principle found primarily in men; cf. the feminine principle. Cain represented the masculine principle,Abel represented the feminine principle,Steiner said.
"The seven maleficent devils,[sic] in ancient Babylonian religion who,remarkably,bore close resemblance to the planet deities." 80 p. 180