The demon of covetousness. In Anthroposophy,he is identified as Ahriman.
In Anthroposophy: humanity at its present stage of evolution; also,sometimes,humanity at previous stages; and one of the four group souls shared by humans at an early evolutionary stage ("man"),closer than the other three to the central line of human evolution. Cf. human beings,human stage of evolution.
"A term describing mind ... [T]he seat of intellectual operations and emotions." 80 p. 177[In Anthroposophy,manas is the spirit self.]
"[A] mystic symbol of immensely concentrated intricate composition of symbols of divinities...[used in] meditation...." 80 p. 177
"In early Roman times this was the name given to the collective souls of the dead,who were deemed 'good' and worshipped as gods...." 80 p. 178
Third-century (CE) Persian religious teacher,founder of Manichaeism.
"A Gnostic [sic] attempt to combine traditional eastern asceticism and Zoroastrian principles with Christianity." 80 p. 178
"In astrology 28 divisions of the moon's journey through one complete circuit of 360 degrees — representing one day's average movement of the moon." 80 p. 178
"The art or science of magic,particularly divination." 80 p. 179
"A Vedic poem of period [sic] 1500-800 B.C. A form of prayer...supposed to increase psychic power...." 73 p. 127[More generally,a mantra is a hymn,phrase,or sound intoned repeatedly as an aid to meditation.]