"The state of possession of a medium by another personality." 73 p. 49 [A "control" may also be a spirit that guides or possesses any individual — a spirit that takes control.]
"A body of esoteric knowledge that includes the whole spectrum of supernatural sciences ... It covers the work of Hermes Trismegistus on through...the 17th century." 80 p. 59
In Anthroposophy: one of six constitutional types. These children (often girls) retain strong ties to the spirit realm and find earthly incarnation difficult.
"A revelation of life and order in the universe." 73 p. 51
Christ as conceived in Anthroposophy and worshipped in the Christian Community. He is the Sun God,who poured his essence into the Earth and who yet exists in cosmic precincts as an etheric being.
In Anthroposophy: the universal ether that carries living thoughts.
This is the name Steiner gave to the "rock being" included in the monumental statue,The Representative of Humanity,at the Goetheanum.
Divine selfhood that extends throughout the cosmos; our individual I's proceed from it and,eventually,they will expand to become it,Steiner said.
In Anthroposophy: the wisdom of the gods,pervading the universe,guarded by Michael.
A Jungian and/or occult concept: the archetypal man found in many creation myths.