At many Waldorf schools: the inner circle of teachers who guide the school. The group is a "college" in that its members are meant to be coequal colleagues; in addition,the members of the college undertake advanced study of Anthroposophical texts,chiefly the works of Rudolf Steiner.
According to Steiner: a gathering of spiritual masters during the thirteenth century CE. They educated a boy who would reincarnate as Christian Rosenkreutz.
According to Steiner,various beings have created colonies on planets and asteroids.
Anthroposophical camps in France,associated with Waldorf schools and the Christian Community.
"[C]olours perceived in the human aura ... Gold is spirituality,pale blue and purple [are] healing,pink [is] pure love and affection,red is desire and anger,dark red is passion,green [is] intellectual apprehension,browns and dark muddy hues [are] illness and disease. Colours are also used by spirit guides ... Colour therapy is used by some healers...." 73 p. 45 [Steiner taught that colors provide an avenue for cosmic spirits to enter the physical realm,and for our souls to enter the spirit realm.]
Steiner designed seven pillars for use in Anthroposophical/Theosophical structures. They represent the seven planets of classical astrology.
Small natural satellites of the Sun,usually in highly elongated orbits; they produce gaseous tails when near the Sun. According to Steiner,comets are wanderers that bring the laws of the Old Moon into the present solar system.
"Can be established in many ways ... We are told that the purpose of spirit communication is to uplift humanity from materialistic apathy...." 73 p. 45
"A personality seeming to be that of a deceased person or other discarnate being." 73 p. 46
"An agreement between two people to endeavor to give evidence to each other of their continued existence after death." 80 p. 56