Anthroposophical congress at the end of 1923 when the Anthroposophical Society was reconstituted as the General Anthroposophical Society and Rudolf Steiner formally became the Society's leader.
"Christmas Conference".
In Waldorf schools: a dramatic recounting of Christ's birth,often performed by faculty members.
"In ancient Greek mythology,the youngest son of Heaven and Earth. Having castrated his father,he and his fellow Titans ruled the earth." 80 p. 159.
In Anthroposophy: the principle or being of the earthly,the material,the natural.
In normal usage,pertaining to the underworld. For the Anthroposophical usage,see "chthon".
For esotericists,often: a symbol of wholeness,the cosmos,and/or the Sun. Sacred dances are often performed in circles,as are various sacred or esoteric meetings,such as seances.
"A group of people who meet regularly for the purpose of developing any latent psychic abilities they may possess." 73 p. 41
"[S]orcerers,shamans,and wizards since ancient times have used the circle drawn around themselves or others as a kind of supernatural defense against demons." 80 p. 52
According to Steiner,various races and their civilizations stand at various evolutionary levels. The most civilized race — in a sense,the only true civilization — is found in Europe,he taught.