"Centres of psychic power,according to Hindu and occult ideas,situated in the subtle body which permeates the physical body." 73 p. 40 [As used by Steiner,the term "chakras" generally applies to incorporeal organs,especially organs of clairvoyance.]
In Waldorf belief,the loss of baby teeth and their replacement by adult teeth is taken as a sign that the etheric body has incarnated.
"A widespread ancient belief that it is the devilish work of gnomes,witches,or fairies when a child is born defective ... [T]hese supernatural entities had substituted a deformed baby for the normal offspring ... [A] changeling can be made to disappear by making it laugh." 80 p. 48
"[B]ehavior,verbal formulas,or small objects...[used] either to bring good fortune or to ward off evil." 80 p. 49
"[D]ivination through the careful perusal of atmospheric changes." 80 p. 49
"Hindu and Yogic term for pupil...." 73 p. 40 [Steiner sometimes extended the term to encompass all students of mystery or occult wisdom.]
The third of four subdivisions of the ether,according to Steiner. Also called formative ether,it gives form to matter at its finest level.
"[Strange physical phenomena] recorded in the seance room. Lights which are cold,ozone smells,phosphorescence...." 80 p. 49
Like other sciences,it is often taught with an antiscientific bias at Waldorf schools. Anthroposophy inclines more toward alchemy,as described by Steiner.
In Judaeo-Christian esotericism: high-ranking angels. According to Steiner: gods eight levels above humanity. Also known as Spirits of Harmony,they are mid-level gods of the First Hierarchy. Dwelling in the zodiac,they formulate spiritual-evolutionary plans based on the ideas of the Seraphim,harmonizing these plans with the rest of the cosmos.