"Asserts that the planets are controlled by spirits who have influence over man." 73 p. 39
In general usage: the sky,the imaginary globe enclosing the universe.
"The sphere [sic: spheres] inhabited by beings far in advance spiritually of earth consciousness." 73 p. 198 [In Anthroposophy,these are essentially the planetary spheres (q.v.).]
Early humans,still part-animal — according to Steiner.
In Anthroposophical belief: places on Earth where astrological powers are especially strong.
Home of the most evolved humans,the highest culture,the best mythology — according to Steiner. Its heart is Germany.
"[T]he art of dealing with spirits,a way of gaining from God the power to overcome spirits." 80 p. 47[This form of magic requires careful performance of prescribed actions and speeches,in a prescribed order,as in a religious ceremony.]
"Divination by inspecting melted wax...." 80 p. 48
Documents awarded to students at many Waldorf schools,often in lieu of report cards. Personal verses,written by teachers,are typically included.
In Theosophy,the sequence of globes that constitute a planet or other celestial body.