"Divination by reading smoke...." 80 p. 42
"Astrological sign (Dec. 23rd-Jan. 20th) ... [People born under this sign are] incredibly sure footed [sic]; also cautious,unsentimental,magnetic...[also] too practical; often despondent,melancholy...." 80 p. 42
"[T]he precognitive powers of the diviner determine the quality of the reading." 80 p. 43[Card reading is,generally,the claimed ability to foresee the future based on the interpretation of cards drawn from a pack. Tarot cards are generally used.]
According to Steiner,these are often sought by human souls for the fulfillment of karma.
"[D]eath could be prevented if the soul could be stopped from leaving the body,or,if it left,to catch and return it...." 80 p. 45
"A method of divination by the use of a mirror...." 80 p. 45
Whites; according to Steiner,the most spiritually advanced race.
"Occult term for a permanent element of man said to reincarnate ... [It is] a sexless human form." 73 p. 39
"Heavenly,an adjective commonly used to denote the higher spheres of the Spirit world." 80 p. 46
"An ancient Egyptian dance which symbolizes the movements of the heavenly bodies. It was performed around the altar of the sun god Ra." 80 p. 66