"In Greek philosophy,one or a unit ... Among occultists it is used to denote the indestructible divine spark of an individual carried through successive reincarnations." 73 p. 137[The concept of monads is central to Theosophy. "Monads are the ultimate elements of the universe,spiritual-substantial entities,self-motivated,self-impelled,self-conscious,in infinitely varying degrees." — ENCYCLOPEDIC THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY.]
One of the twelve justified or defended world conceptions,according to Steiner — an abstract form of spiritism.
According to Steiner: the Mars race,formed and existing under the influence of Mars.
According to occult teachings: the seventh sub-race that arose on Atlantis.
"Philosophical systems which uphold the fundamental unity of the universe,as opposed to dualism." 73 p. 137[Steiner taught that monism is mistaken. Anthroposophy teaches of many worlds and gods. Also see "monotheism".]
"A supernatural warning...." 73 p. 137
"The doctrine that there is only one God." 73 p. 138[Steiner taught that monotheism and/or monism are false — or,at best,they are distant ideals. He taught that the universe is polytheistic.]
According to Steiner: the seat of Jehovah,who has ruled over the Jews from the Moon. Judaism is,thus,the moon religion. (Steiner referred to the Moon as a physical object,one of the "planets." He also referred to it as a phase of evolution. In the latter case,"Old Moon" is a more accurate label. Old Moon was the third major stage of human evolution,the third incarnation of the solar system.)
In Anthroposophy: forefathers of humanity,adepts during Old Moon.
In Anthroposophy: residents of the Moon and/or beings of the Old Moon period.