In Anthroposophy: the inner human being embodying forces of the will,centered in the metabolic-limb system.
One of three human physiological systems,according to Steiner: this system consists of organs of digestion,movement,and handling. The will is embodied in it.
In Anthroposophy: the seven astrological planets (in order: Sun,Moon,Mars,Mercury,Jupiter,Venus,Saturn) are associated with seven types of metal (in order: gold,silver,iron,mercury,tin,copper,lead). The metals,then,convey the powers of these planets.
Change of form; a basic concept for the Anthroposophical narrative of evolution — humans,gods,and the universe evolve or metamorphose to higher (or lower) forms.
"That branch of philosophy which seeks to determine the nature of things...the true nature of that which underlies the familiar world." 73 p. 134[Metaphysics deals with first principles,such as "being","knowing","cause",and so forth.]
"The belief that the soul at death [sic: after death] can reside in a succession of bodies,human or animal." 80 p. 187
"[T]he great angel who helped God in his work [creating the world]." 80 p. 187[In Jewish legend,Metatron is an Archangel; he is Enoch risen to angelic state. Metatron is not mentioned by name in the Bible.]
In biblical tradition,Michael is an Archangel and,in Catholic tradition,a saint. In the book of Revelation,he leads Christ's armies against Satan. In Anthroposophical belief,he is the Archangel of the Sun,Christ's champion,and the lord of our age (beginning around 1879 CE).
In our time,this is Anthroposophy: the movement through which the Archangel Michael bestows his wisdom (according to Anthroposophists).
The first Waldorf school in Great Britain,founded in 1925.