The feast of St. Michael,September 29. This festival is often celebrated in Waldorf schools,sometimes disguised as a "fall festival."
"The concept of man as a small universe,a replica of the macrocosm — the great universe." 73 p. 134
Metaphorically,according to some esoteric traditions,the moment when the reincarnating self leaves one life and begins another.
Angels of the fifth rank or,in Anthroposophy: gods five levels above man. Standing within the middle rank of the Second Hierarchy,they are at home in the sphere of Mars. They use their power to help steer evolution into the correct channels,Steiner taught.
Baby teeth. In the Waldorf movement,replacement of milk teeth by adult teeth is believed to signal the incarnation of the etheric body.
"A sharing of feeling,but not necessarily sympathy. A community of sensation." 73 p. 135
"The thinking faculty,in earlier periods often termed the soul,spirit or ego...." 80 p. 187[Anthroposophists,among others,take the existence of the mind to be a proof of spiritual realities. But scientists generally account for the mind without reference to the spiritual: The mind is the product of the functioning of the brain.]
The second of three soul members,according to Steiner — the level of soul that contemplates the impressions gathered at a lower soul level. It fully incarnates at about age 35.
In Anthroposophy (drawing from ancient teachings): the lowest of four kingdoms of nature,standing below the plant kingdom. (Also see "minerals".)
In Anthroposophy: the fourth of seven conditions of life. It is the subdivision of the condition of consciousness in which we now dwell,having evolved past the three elementary kingdoms but not having yet reached the Plant Kingdom Condition of Life.