"The powers of clairvoyance,clairaudience,trance speaking and psychometry are usually classified as distinct from physical mediumship." 73 p. 132
In Theosophy: a level of existence essentially equivalent to Devachan: heaven or Spiritland. As the level of existence in which thoughts function,or pure mentality is attained,it is usually deemed to contain higher and lower regions.
"A term for telepathy...." 80 p. 185
Telepathy: supposed communication of mind to mind without use of the ordinary senses.
Inspiration,among other definitions: sights directly seen by the mind rather than through the eyes: clairvoyance,ESP.
In Theosophy: the second "higher world"; it is situated beyond the astral world. The equivalent in Anthroposophy is the spirit world,which is higher than the soul world.
"Conveying or transferring mind or thought; telepathic." 73 p. 133
Mephistopheles. In Anthroposophy: Ahriman.
A fictional demon,a familiar of the Devil; the evil spirit to whom Faust sold his soul. Although a literary invention,Mephistopheles is accepted as real in Anthroposophy,where he is identified as Ahriman.
The planet closet to the Sun. According to Anthroposophical belief,it is populated by beings more evolved than earthly humans; also it is the center for the abnormal spirits responsible for the “Negro race.” Its resident Archangel is Raphael.