"(Buddhism) The bodily death which culminates in complete Nirvana." 80 p. 217
"A faculty of seeing with the etheric body,without use of the [physical] eyes." 73 p. 154
Hero of medieval Grail epics; in Anthroposophy,he is considered an initiate. His story is often studied in Waldorf schools as an enactment of the search for occult knowledge.
"Synonymous with 'dying' in Spiritualist terminology." 73 p. 154
"Theosophical teaching which refers both to the probationary learning and the learning which lifts one onto the Path." 80 p. 218 [In spiritual movements generally,"the path" is the way to salvation or holiness. According to Anthroposophy,one must choose between the white/good path and the black/evil path.]
In Anthroposophy: the black path. Steiner said that if you take this path in sixteen incarnations,you fall out evolution,becoming subhuman.
The color of human health,Steiner said. (It is the color of Caucasian skin,he said.)
"The occult,medicinal qualities of pearls have been heralded since ancient times." 80 p. 218
Formulated by Steiner: use of a teacher's etheric,astral,or ego body to work upon a student's next-lower body — e.g.,if a teacher wants to affect a student's etheric body,the teacher should work through her/his astral body.
"A magic symbol used in the occult and Black Magic...a five-pointed figure." 80 p. 218[Actually,a pentacle is a circular or disc-shaped talisman that sometimes is inscribed with a pentagram.]