In some esoteric teachings: an invisible spirit body existing in or near the physical body; sometimes identified as the double and/or the etheric body.
According to Steiner: the second cultural epoch of humanity's evolution on the physical Earth,when ancient Persian culture reached its peak.
In Anthroposophy: a human being having an "I". (Steiner taught that some people do not have "I's" and thus are not really human.)
In Waldorf education: when a child begins drawing pictures that contain perspective (accurate renditions of spatial depth),s/he is deemed to have reached a new spiritual stage; this is often associated with "crossing the Rubicon" — understanding oneself as existing separately from one's surroundings. This stage usually occurs around age 9 or 10.
"Food has always been associated with the potency of the sexual organs ... [Also] food eaten for religious,ritual,and ceremonial purposes." 80 p. 220
"Religious,magical,and occult veneration of the male sex organs...." 80 p. 220
"A fanciful image possessing no reality." 73 p. 156
"Occult term for 'thought forms' capable of communication." 73 p. 157
Images,usually false or unreal,as seen in a dream.
"An apparition or ghostly figure; the evidence for this is overwhelming." 73 p. 157 [Steiner said that a phantom is a nature spirit created by lying or slander; also,in another sense,a phantom is the spiritual texture or pattern of one's physical body.]