"The five-pointed star...[that] represents the highest power of spirituality on earth." 80 p. 218-219[In Anthroposophy,the pentagram is the symbol of man or,when inverted,black magic.]
The first five books of the Hebrew Bible,traditionally attributed to Moses: Genesis,Exodus,Leviticus,Numbers,and Deuteronomy.
Whitsun,a Christian festival honoring the Holy Ghost. The festival is often observed in Waldorf schools,but consistent with Anthroposophical doctrine it is reformulated as a celebration of clairvoyance and the formative powers of human speech. (Such doctrines are often left unexplained.)
"The receiver in telepathic communications." 73 p. 155
"A common feature of the physical seance,usually known as raps...." 80 p. 219[That is,during a seance mysterious tapping sounds may be heart; they are believed to be communications from the spirit(s) contacted by the medium.]
A state of punishment; in Christianity,said to be eternal. Although Anthroposophy is generally affirmative and hopeful,Steiner described various forms of perdition for evil or backward spirits. In some cases,a spirit may be cured by perdition and later promoted; in some cases,not.
The fifth stage of form,recapitulating — at a higher level — the third stage of form,the astral stage. Having evolved higher than we were previously,we come to exist more perfectly on the astral plane.
"A charm worn as protection against evil." 80 p. 219
In Anthroposophy,often: a cultural epoch or age,a subdivision of a great epoch. However a briefer span — a subdivision of a cultural epoch — may also be meant.