Conditions of formlessness coming before and after descent into physical incarnation. Steiner spoke of "arupa conditions of form" during his Theosophical phase; later he dubbed these the Higher Spiritland Stage of Form and the Archetypal Stage of Form. Also see "astral conditions of form".
One of the labels Steiner applied to the present. Also see "Anglo-Germanic Age".
In Theosophical teachings,these are the members of our evolutionary period's root race. More loosely,Aryan are whites. (The historical Aryans were Indo-Europeans who invaded northern India in the second millennium BCE.)
"The third stage of Yoga. The assumption of certain bodily postures to assist the development of certain thoughts." 73 p. 19
"Astrologically,the degree of ecliptic longitude rising in the east at any given time. Said to be of special significance for any person or thing which comes into being at that moment." 73 p. 19[Cf. descendant.]
Severe self-denial and self-discipline,usually undertaken for religious reasons.
In Norse myths,the land of the gods.
According to Steiner,the peoples of Asia are abnormal descendants of the population of Atlantis; they are spiritually adolescent.
"Astrologically,angular distance between celestial bodies as viewed from earth. Various angles are said to promote harmony or otherwise [i.e.,disharmony] between planetary principles." 73 p. 19
In astrology,especially Hindu astrology: a planet at a particular angle with another,during which its energies are especially effective for good or ill.