"In ancient Rome the priests who interpreted the auspices — the movement of birds,the movement of animals —...[also] thunder and lightning." 80 p. 19
A sign or omen; also the act of interpreting such signs.
Om: A mystic syllable used as a mantra in meditations and prayers.
"A field of radiation round the human body,sometimes visible as bands of color to clairvoyant sight".73 p. 22[According to some esoteric traditions,beings aside from humans also have auras.]
Pertaining to auras.
According to Steiner: the spiritual "skin".
A prophetic or spiritual omen.
According to Steiner: gods four levels above mankind or,sometimes,five levels above mankind. In the former case,they are low-level gods of the Second Hierarchy,dwelling in the sphere of the Sun; in the latter case,they are mid-level gods of that Hierarchy,dwelling in the sphere of Mars. As members of the Second Hierarchy,they help implement the plans conceived by the First Hierarchy.
"(Spiritualism). Artistic expression without the medium's conscious volition ... [H]ieroglyphs,visions (see William Blake's work),departed relatives,and guides have all been depicted. Remarkable evidence has come through this means...." 80 p. 20 [The medium is assumed to be guided or possessed by spirits.]
"(Spiritualism). Impulsive speech without conscious volition,either in trance of the waking state...." 80 p. 20