"[T]he dragon symbolizes the everlasting rebirth of things ... Western occultism,portraying the dragon biting his own tail,signifies him as the master of the future,since everything is destroyed or dies but is reborn...." 80 pp. 78-79[Dragons are mystical monsters,generally depicted as gigantic winged lizards. Steiner said that dragons really existed — they were fire-breathing dinosaurs. In Anthroposophy,the dragon may symbolize evil or all the forces that distract humans from their true evolutionary purpose; usually,the image of a dragon represents Ahriman.]
"Spirit robes. The simple flowing garments worn by spirit people...." 80 p. 79
"Spiritualists maintain the possibility of visits during the dream state...to the spirit sphere." 73 p. 65[Steiner essentially agreed with this — he said that our astral and ego bodies travel to the spirit realm during sleep. He also said that through spiritual discipline dreams can be made accurate and reliable. Also see "dreaming true" and "dreams".]
"See Astral body...." 73 p. 66[In Steiner's teachings,the astral body departs from the physical and etheric bodies during sleep and ascends to the spirit realm. The "dreams" it has there are true spiritual experiences.]
"These come usually as warnings ... This could well be a form of temporary clairvoyance...." 80 p. 79
"[D]reams that are prophetically very significant". 80 p. 79
"[D]reams that are telepathic,revealing events that are occurring simultaneously with the dreamer's dream...." 80 p. 79
"The possession of control and consciousness whilst in the dream state." 73 p. 66[Steiner claimed to possess "exact clairvoyance"; when someone with this power dreams,he indicated,the resulting visions are true.]
"It is the dream that is responsible for the concepts such as [sic] the soul,life after death,supernatural entities,ghosts,[etc.]...." 80 p. 80[I.e.,our knowledge of these things came to us through true dreams. Also see "dream" and "dreaming true".]
Ancient Celtic seers,magicians,and/or priests. Steiner credited them with great wisdom.