In Anthroposophy: gods six levels above mankind. Essentially equivalent to Spirits of Wisdom or Kyriotetes,they are upper-level gods of the Second Hierarchy. Dwelling in the Jupiter sphere,they develop the evolutionary system that fulfills the designs formed by the First Hierarchy.
The Germanic god of thunder; Thor.
"The personal spirit control of a medium." 80 p. 77 [A "control
"German term for the astral body." 73 p. 63 [More generally,a doppelgänger is an apparition or double of a living person. See "double".]
Swiss town where the Anthroposophical headquarters,the Goetheanum,is located.
"[The] etheric body." 73 p. 63[More generally,a "double" or "doppelgänger" is a secondary self,s second soul or spirit occupying one's physical body alongside one's primary self. In Steiner's teachings,the double has a baleful nature,distinct from the normal and healthful etheric body. Also see "doppelgänger".]
"Water divining by rod,twig or pendulum. Also known as rhabdomancy,Radiesthesia." 80 p. 78["Water divining" is essentially the search for water through methods of divination.]
One who dowses. Dowsers primarily search for water,but they may use the same or similar techniques to search for other prized substances such as gems.
"Since the dragon was a widespread occult symbol,temples dedicated to his worship became popular." 80 p. 78[In the sense meant here,then,dracontia is worship of dragons or of a particular dragon.]
A black stone taken from the head of a dragon; it confers courage and neutralizes poisons.